How do I Make Money in this Business?
Option 1 – Sales
Sales are awesome! We interact with customers, we WOW, BOOK, DEMO, DIRECT, we have a blast making other women and men feel amazing with our products! If we order smartly, we get a 50% discount, which leaves us with a very nice little profit. Imagine doing a Demo, and selling $1000 in stock (which is the average for a party of 5 people), YOU GET $500 PROFIT!! Not bad for an afternoons work right?
Option 2 – Growing Your Team
Well Commission/Compensation is another incredible way to earn income, this is where the BIG money is. And Its something I encourage you all the look at. Its really pretty simple, we WOW, BOOK, DEMO, DIRECT, and then we get our customer to become a distributor and join our team!!
You show them how to sign up, and then you help them to start their businesses as well. SeneGence then rewards you for bringing this person into the business, and helping them with their new business, and you get awarded with a Commission and compensation plan.
When you sign someone up, you can get 10% of what they order, paid to you, the following month! These people are called your 1st Line Downlines. When they sign someone up…. those people are called your 2nd line….. when they sign someone, you are up to your 3rd line. So can you imagine how many people you may earn a commission from, when you get paid 5 LINES DEEP!! Let me use myself as an example……So the bigger you build your first line…. the bigger they can build your 2nd-5th lines…. and the bigger the income you can earn!
-Click HERE to read through an in-depth break down of our commission and compensation plan!
Now….. please don’t be scared of the comp plan…. it can definitely take a little while to understand it. But just BUILD that 1st Line constantly, and you will see that extra money coming in!!
Responsibilities of an Upline-
Ok so now you have started to attract a team….. but how much do you do for them without literally running their business FOR THEM?? We are here to create LEADERS not LEANERS!
This can be a really hard question to answer. Because all uplines will be different. Some never intended on building a team. Some have in-depth training schedules for their teams…. but the most important part is we encourage our new downline to educate themselves as much as they can, so they can grow wonderful businesses for themselves. Listed below are some responsibilities that I think are fair for an Upline to help his/her new team member with:
Signing up process
Launch Party (Online or Home Party, dependent on Location)
Welcoming them into FB Support groups
Showing them how to find training and information, for example send them to This training website, or create your own!
Tracking how they are going from your Back office, and announcing their achievements! For example, go to your FB support group, and ‘Shout out’ to a downline who just ranked, or if she got her Fast Starts, or Qualified for a Car or a Trip. These are really big goals to achieve. And a little encouragement from an Upline can make the world of difference!
Offering regular training sessions. Either online or local. Don’t think that because your new as well, that you cant train someone. Ofcourse you can, you learn together.
Above are just some of the responsibilities, as you get higher ranked, and have a larger team, your responsibilities may evolve and change. But thats a whole different training section…….. lol
How to get paid your commission-
Go into Back Office and change your retention level to ZERO so you get commission payments!! Otherwise SeneGence will save your commission to use on product purchases! It’s more exciting to get your payments and see how far you’ve come when you EARN bonuses!!!
When do you start getting commission? When you start to build your very own team! and trust me….. the money is GOOOOOD! You only need ONE team member to get paid.
(How to: Go to your Back Office, click on Business, click on SeneCash, click on Retention Level, Select 0% and Confirm Choice.)